Skip to main content Luceda IPKISS3

1. Tool Introduction:

IPKISS by Luceda Photonics is a specialized tool suite designed for integrated photonics design. IPKISS offers powerful tools and libraries for the modeling, design, and simulation of photonic integrated circuits (PICs). Being Python-based, it enables users to leverage the power of Python for photonics design.

Main features of IPKISS include:

  1. Python Integration: IPKISS is fully integrated into the Python environment, allowing users to take advantage of Python's capabilities for rapid and flexible design and simulation.

  2. Photonics Component Library: IPKISS provides a rich library of photonics components including waveguides, gratings, couplers, etc., which users can directly utilize in their photonics designs.

  3. Automated Layout and Routing: IPKISS includes automated layout and routing tools that help users quickly generate complex photonic device layouts and perform routing optimization.

  4. Simulation and Analysis: IPKISS integrates robust simulation and analysis tools, enabling users to evaluate and optimize their designs' performance.

Overall, IPKISS is a comprehensive toolkit offering a wealth of functionalities and flexible workflows for designers in the photonics field, aiding them in efficient and precise photonic design and simulation.

2. Usage Steps:

  1. Load the necessary tools and license:

    cd ~/luceda_project
    module load lic anaconda pycharm
  2. Activate the IPKISS environment:

    source activate ipkiss3
  3. Start the software locally or submit a job:

    • To start the software locally:
      ipkontrol &
    • Or submit a job:
      bsub -Is ipkontrol &